Cai Guo-Qiang & Zaha Hadid - Description

Cai Guo-Qiang & Zaha Hadid

Caress Zaha with Vodka Cai Guo-Qiang & Zaha Hadid








Vodka mixture is poured over Zaha Hadid’s elegant, fluid ice and snow structures, the liquid is set alight in a cool blue flame that wraps the structures in warmth. This blue flame with licks of pink roams along the curves and valleys of the landscape, spreads, drips, meanders and cascades into waterfalls and streams.

The fire sets the ice and snow environment in a heightened pure transparent light. The warmth softens the angles, corners and rigidity of the icy forms. The fire highlights its beautiful contour, the melted ice-water mixed with alcohol flow freely on and around the structure, render it in a state of constant movement and change.