Do-Ho Suh & Morphosis - Description

But if the [viewer] can be convinced that there is, under the superficial imagery of water, a series of progressively deeper and more tenacious images, he will soon develop a feeling for this penetration in his own contemplations; beneath the imagination of forms, he will soon sense the opening up of an imagination of substances. He will recognize in water, in its substance, a type of intimacy that is very different from those suggested by the depths of fire or rock. He will have to recognize that the material imagination of water is a special type of imagination. Strengthened in this knowledge of depth of a material element, the [viewer] will understand at last that water is also a type of destiny that is no longer simply the vain destiny of fleeting images and a never-ending dream but an essential destiny that endlessly changes the substance of the being.

Gaston Bachelard, Water and Dreams An Essay on the Imagination of Matter


Fluid fossils embedded objects…constructed archaeology  exploring the transformation of matter in time this project explores the transformation of matter in time: water–qualities of its materiality–sometimes subtle, sometimes not–persistently ephemeral, ever-changing fluid and frozen–subtleties of its translucence and its color emerge more visible now yet as fleeting as moments passing.

mOrphosis architects + Do-Ho Suh  | 2004