Christian Kurt Ebert, Alex Braubach, Owen Takabayashi and Andrew McClintock - Description

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Reflect/xions by Christian Kurt Ebert, Alex Braubach, Owen Takabayashi and Andrew McClintock


Reflect/xions is a collaborative installation project that has identified three prominent street-level locations in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood whose surfaces are transformed into public, large-scale mirrors by recoating them with reflective silver mylar film.

The project explores the possibilities of a physical mirrors reflective surface to function as stimulus for self-reflexive thinking. The reflections of the persons in their environment passing by or interacting with the mirrors create momentary images of public space. Thus the recognition of the reflected self in the mirror provokes the realization or contemplation of ones existence and participation in that space.

The effect of mirrorizing a surface is quite common design practice that is used by various bars, restaurants, massage parlors, and other small businesses in the neighborhood to expand but also to conceal the actual space of these places.

Reflect/xions will be installed on the Warfields building facade at the intersection of Market Street, Taylor Street, and Sixth Street. In addition, the store front windows of Public Barber Salon on Geary Street and Ever Gold Gallery on O’Farrell Street are converted into mirrors while regular business operations continue on the inside. High foot-traffic and intense social interaction are characteristic for all four locations

The installations are accompanied by a postcard that provides the audience with information to the three locations on a map, including the sites of all other projects participating in the exhibition.